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Become part of the Executive. Help with small odd jobs. Help organize the archives. Transcribe Weston's history from our archives. Help with events, special or annual.


Direct your inquiries here.


We rely on donations to survive and to do our programs. Donations should be made by cash, cheque (filled out to the Weston Historical Society) or etransfer. They can be mailed to the office or given to any member of the Executive. If there is a specific event or project you would like to donate to please specify this on your cheque.


Direct your inquiries here.


Fill out the form, including fee (cash, cheque or etransfer) and mail it to:
   Weston Historical Society
   1901 Weston Road, Unit F
   Toronto, Ont., M9N 3P1
Or drop it off at:
   Squibb’s Stationers
   1974 Weston Road
Or go on the website and follow the etransfer instructions. This form and fee are to be used to renew your membership also.

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