WHS promotes respect for community roots, artefacts, and heritage structures through advocacy, education, and community connections.
Weston, Ontario, Canada Last update: February 14, 2025
Christmas at 150 Church Street
by Noreen Bowman
My mother would lovingly display her cherished Christmas village on the mantelpiece above the fireplace during Christmas. This village comprised a collection of tiny cardboard houses, a church, and other buildings stiffened with glittery snow-like paint. The houses were nestled in a roll of cotton batting to complete the wintery scene.
We children would creep down the stairs on Christmas morning but could only go past the bottom step once Dad was up. Then we got to go in and open our stockings.
We usually got a fresh orange and a bit of candy.
During the winter, we ate only canned fruit (plums, pears, cherries) that Mom put down, so this orange was a real treat.
There was usually something special for the girls, maybe a doll or doll clothes for one we had; the boys got toys or a game.
Then we had our breakfast, and after, all together, we went into the living room and sat down quietly. We were allowed to open one present at a time and then wait while everyone else did the same.
On a piece of paper, we wrote down each present and who it was from for our thank you letters after Christmas. This went on until all presents were opened and admired.