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Town Halls Photos curated by WHS archivist Martin Proctor.
A laser copy of a copy of a postcard that Mike Filey sent us, some years ago. the iimage seems to be the same source as a similar postcard from 1904.
This night time shot of the hall from 1937.
This 1937 image shows the Squibb's family outside Dufferin Hall.
Thanks again to Eddie Stekar for this view of the site after the demolition. In the background is the former fire hall before the mural was added.
The tablet that used to be above the balcony in the original Town Hall was recently donated to the Weston Historical Society.
Back in the 1980's while the Weston Municipal Building was still standing a day care and playground could be found on the site of the original Town Hall.
The second town hall (The Weston Municipal Building) while it was still standing. By the time this photo was taken the Fire Hall had relocated over onto Lawrence and the old hall had become M.S.C.
Thank you to Eddie Stekar for this photo of the Weston Municipal Building that was taken while the Fire Department was still operating from it's second station in Weston.
1996 and Eddie Stekar managed to get a few photos of the site of the Weston Municipal Building just after it had been demolished.
Here is a photo that Eddie took of two of the chaps who painted the mural which was based on an illustration produced by Eric Lee.
Here are a few more photos that Eddie Stekar took after the demolition of the site.
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